Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bogged Down by Bloggers' Block

Are you bogged down by bloggers' block?

Well you are not alone.  This conversation has been circling around me for weeks - months even,  and its seems that I am "IT," at least for now.

This new media frightens me. I worry I am too old (not in years, just experience of course) and for sure I am not an early adopter on blogging. But QHN staff have been gently pushing and though it feels like I am standing on the edge of a very wide precipice it seems the time is now to jump.

So I ask you, do I need to be fired up on a topic before I spew? Or is it just random thoughts that repeat themselves and come onto my horizon regularly? Or is it the mundane issues that I see day in and day out which with some focused attention we could quickly solve?

I would welcome your advice --  As a wise impassioned improver once told me, remember PDSA - please do something, anything! So here goes!

Cynthia Majewski, Executive Director, QHN

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